Saturday, February 19, 2011

Full moon...

Full moon.  Well once again we hoped for action and once again the weather provided more interest than the auctions.  With paychecks cashed and storage units saved there was not much left to claim.  It's like being in Vegas and not leaving the hotel room to go gamble... Just not right. Well, trust me if we were in Vegas in would not be bedtime.  Nothing to report, but a Texas sized full moon, we will once again take our money into next week.  Until then stay safe and go get to a store auction near you.
- M

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lucky or not?

Lucky or not? Lucky or not auctions across north Texas were closed as people paid their fees at the last minute. Perhaps not a bad thing for E and myself as we are jonsing for action so bad we would auction our moms if it made us money..... Just kidding mom. Well it's back to the drawing board tomorrow as uncharacteristically Friday is shaping up as the biggest storage auction opportunity of this week. Stay tuned for more soon from IBS and

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday is the day!

It's time. Thursday's treasures or trash are going home with us.  Storagecash and IBS is up and in search of investments.  It appears it's time to divide and conquer as E and myself will be looking for action across Texas and will compare notes before the sun goes down.  Join us again as there is sure to be a storage auction story.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No matter what!

It's time!  I was just informed by E that we are taking down a unit this week no matter what it takes.  Hopefully the need for action doesn't leave us overpaying for junk as many did last week.  I can't argue however, as our storage auction adventure looks more like a field trip to Luby's lately.  So do as we say and not as we do, looks like Thursday is the day for storage auction action.

Tuesday is here!

Well Tuesday is the 15th which means payday but also rent is due.  Every 1st and 15th brings increased bidders trying to parlay their paychecks into auction cash.  It also brings opportunity as units go to auction.  Capitalism at it's best, let the games begin.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

PODS paid.

PODS paid.  One of the more challenging things about storage auctions is that many times the schedule changes at the last minute due to the owner of the units or PODS paying their bills at the last day thus preventing the auction.  Such was the case for a central Texas PODS auction.  Never fear however, confidence remains high that we have some auction action this coming week.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PODS coming!

Things are heating up in Texas and it's about time. Auctions abound this coming week with a central Texas PODS auction on the radar. I will be very surprised if E and myself don't take down a couple of units before this coming week is over. It's time to make some wise investments and perhaps take the road less traveled.  You are invited to join the adventure with and Ideal Business Solutions as we hit the back-roads and dirt roads paved with gold.