Saturday, February 19, 2011

Full moon...

Full moon.  Well once again we hoped for action and once again the weather provided more interest than the auctions.  With paychecks cashed and storage units saved there was not much left to claim.  It's like being in Vegas and not leaving the hotel room to go gamble... Just not right. Well, trust me if we were in Vegas in would not be bedtime.  Nothing to report, but a Texas sized full moon, we will once again take our money into next week.  Until then stay safe and go get to a store auction near you.
- M

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lucky or not?

Lucky or not? Lucky or not auctions across north Texas were closed as people paid their fees at the last minute. Perhaps not a bad thing for E and myself as we are jonsing for action so bad we would auction our moms if it made us money..... Just kidding mom. Well it's back to the drawing board tomorrow as uncharacteristically Friday is shaping up as the biggest storage auction opportunity of this week. Stay tuned for more soon from IBS and

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday is the day!

It's time. Thursday's treasures or trash are going home with us.  Storagecash and IBS is up and in search of investments.  It appears it's time to divide and conquer as E and myself will be looking for action across Texas and will compare notes before the sun goes down.  Join us again as there is sure to be a storage auction story.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No matter what!

It's time!  I was just informed by E that we are taking down a unit this week no matter what it takes.  Hopefully the need for action doesn't leave us overpaying for junk as many did last week.  I can't argue however, as our storage auction adventure looks more like a field trip to Luby's lately.  So do as we say and not as we do, looks like Thursday is the day for storage auction action.

Tuesday is here!

Well Tuesday is the 15th which means payday but also rent is due.  Every 1st and 15th brings increased bidders trying to parlay their paychecks into auction cash.  It also brings opportunity as units go to auction.  Capitalism at it's best, let the games begin.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

PODS paid.

PODS paid.  One of the more challenging things about storage auctions is that many times the schedule changes at the last minute due to the owner of the units or PODS paying their bills at the last day thus preventing the auction.  Such was the case for a central Texas PODS auction.  Never fear however, confidence remains high that we have some auction action this coming week.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PODS coming!

Things are heating up in Texas and it's about time. Auctions abound this coming week with a central Texas PODS auction on the radar. I will be very surprised if E and myself don't take down a couple of units before this coming week is over. It's time to make some wise investments and perhaps take the road less traveled.  You are invited to join the adventure with and Ideal Business Solutions as we hit the back-roads and dirt roads paved with gold.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day Weekend!

Well, Valentine's Day weekend is upon us, the on going conspiracy by florist, jewelry shops and candy shops to have us spend more money in case we missed the commercialism of the Christmas season.  What does that have to do with storage auctions you ask?  Well if you don't go through the process, that's where your stuff ends up!  Lucky for E the sheep don't require valentine consideration.  Keep looking for storage auctions... After this weekend there should be plenty...!

All work and no play!

All work and no play. Well sometimes business has to come before fun. Such was the case today as Ideal Business Solutions had some business to attend to that conflicted with the only scheduled storage auction around today. Investment opportunities are around the corner however as both D/FW and central Texas has storage auctions and PODS auctions upcoming. The nice thing about the PODS auction is they will often deliver which allows for a wider region to target without the worries of trucks and trailers and timelines. E and myself will keep you posted on our upcoming investment plans. Stay tuned for more stories.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Frozen again!

Frozen again! Travel to a warm tropical vacation spot sounds pretty good right now as winter continues here in Texas. Surely storage auctions here will return to normal business once we can all feel our toes again. E must be aging quickly out in the country these days as our business life sounds like crickets and our social life reflects that of a retirement center. We will continue to look at upcoming opportunities and making business connections since there is not much else to do regarding storage auctions lately. Making 
effective business plans with storage auctions are like other business investments, what you know, who you know, how much capital you have and a little bit of luck...Not necessarily in that order. So follow our lead and get connected. will be a  resource and there is no substitute for learning the storage auction business or any other business at someone else's expense. Save time, energy and money by doing your research and finding your niche opportunity. Back for more D/FW auction adventures soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Challenges abound

Really?  Loaded with cash  and ready to invest E and myself battled heavy traffic to be ready for a 7 location 70 unit auction day.  Challenges started early as the first auction was cancelled.  We traveled to the second location only to find about 150 people waiting.  I guess we were not the only investors in need of action after the deep freeze north Texas experienced.  We stuck it out until the sun set on this day without much temptation to join the madness.  Storage units of junk were being sold for 400-800 dollars and winning bids seem to be based on pride rather than business.  About the only thing I would have paid top dollar for today was some duct tape to end the endless and meaningless chatter that served as proof that inbreeding does still exist today.  Well that is our adventure for today, sometimes the hardest business done is business that can wait for another day and a better opportunity.  Please join us as we strive onward to find storage cash soon. -M

Auction time!

Auction around the corner.  Yes it's storage auction time in Dallas/Ft Worth tomorrow.  E and myself will be ready to turn storage into cash.  We will post our findings with pictures so stay tuned to this blog and travel with us as we bid on hidden storage treasures. -M

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Superbowl Sunday is finally here. If you have been watching on ESPN then you know what we have been dealing with this week. But Sunday starts a new week in D/FW as after football it's time to make sound investments, time for storage auctions and time for cash. That's right while E recovers from the Vodka/Red Bull, I am at the gym, both of us getting mentally prepared for upcoming auctions. Financing is saved and ready for a huge 7 location 70 storage unit auction on Tuesday! So stay online with us here at as well as our upcoming EBay listings and join our travels...join our adventure.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Updated 2/5
About time.  Snow and ice melted. Super bowl around the corner here in D/FW.  Investment opportunities await as well with many storage auctions on the schedule for Tuesday. E and myself will be there ready to make cash.  So stay tuned to the web and to this blog for more.  Until then, let's hope for more than 44 1/2 total points in the big game.  May all who travel stay safe out there and tune in next week when the storage auction adventures heat up.

Friday, February 4, 2011


TGIF. Storage auction, storage auction, storage auction, storage auction.  Yes E. and myself are in serious need of investment action but things are just now thawing out a bit after 4-6 inches of snow this morning. Doesn't look much like D/FW around here.  Hope to have storage cash stories soon.  One good thing about storage auctions in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area right now is there are so many that have been cancelled, it will spread out the auctions happening at the same time, thus decreasing the bidders and increasing opportunities for profit.  Much of the country has been frozen this week but opportunities exist for those who are prepared.  Until then, stay tuned for more adventures, Texas style.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Still here!

Welcome back storage auction fans.  We would hope to have more than frozen business to discuss but once again it was not meant to be.  Once again, only Yahoo, Google and associated E -commerce seem to be the only business running normal.  Hard to make cash when the storage doors are frozen shut.  We hope you are having better luck in your city storage auctions.  Until then, save your money, load up and go get em when the doors open.  Another great show to watch is called Auction Hunters on Spike.  You can see a few of the reruns on Hulu.

Canceled again!

Another day of frozen earth in north Texas. Another day of canceled storage auctions.  E lives in the country while I am a city guy. So while we couldn't  make mad cash today, at least I could get out of my house, not the case for E.... I guess he has the sheep to keep him warm.  Travel, hotels, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines and of course ESPN and the super bowl events are all frozen.  I did get to Lonestar Park for some gambling but still not enough action.  The only storage auctions happening today for us will be Storage Wars tonight at 9:00 central. Be safe and stay tuned for more. -M

Snowed in

Well Storagecash/IBS and our storage auctions were cancelled due to the biggest ice storm in north Texas in recent history. Nothing slows down E and myself from a chance at making money, but we had to bow to the elements. We were not alone most businesses were closed in Dallas/Fort Worth as all schools and commerce was halted. If your name wasn't Google or EBay, it was nap time if you had power.  Until next time, stay warm and safe.